Chatterie Hidenka
Guaranteed quality
The Hidenka's Cattery is registered with the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA), the Chats Canada Cats (CCC) and the Association Féline Canadienne-Canadian Cat Association (AFC-CCA). All my breeders are tested for PKD, PRA-pd, ColorTest, FIV and FeLV. Each new breeder is quarantined for the time to complete the veterinary examination. The kittens leave vaccinated, dewormed, sterilized, registered, with their health certificate, their pedigree and a sale contract.
How to reserve a kitten?
The first adopters contacted are those registered on the waiting list. You must register on the waiting list, specifying your preferences (adult cat, kitten, color, sex, breed ...). In order to reduce the risk of abandonment and neglect, only serious adopters will be placed on the waiting list.
Indeed, an exotic shorthair requires specific care; it is not a moggy. He must be brushed daily, a bath every month to limit hair loss, brush his teeth and clean his eyes to avoid eye infections and stains under the eyes. He must eat quality food in order to avoid urinary problems and obesity, because the exotic is a food lover !
Why are all kittens sterilized before they leave?
The main reason is that some cats are beginning to have heat from the age of 4 months and all the inconveniences that come with a marking, the call of the male night and day, the risk of running away ... Sterilization at a young age also helps reduce the risk of developing breast tumors by 91% and reduces the risk of tagging in both males and females.
The second reason is a purely ethical : to put a stop to kitten mills and sellers who believe breeding is simply putting a male with a female, with no regard to the standards.
At what age do kittens leave their mother?
We understand that you are impatient to have your little one, but kittens separated from their mothers before they are fully weaned can exhibit behavioral issues, such as biting when playing or litter problems. In addition, no kitten leaves the cattery before being sterilized, at 12 weeks old.
Is it possible to deliver the kitten to my home?
Yes. It is possible to use an animal carrier (pet nanny) who will transport the kitten from the cattery to your home for an additional charge. Depending on your country of residence, we know of several pet nanny and can put you in contact with one of them to ensure the transport of your companion. The price of the pet nanny depends on your country of residence and the price of the plane tickets (if applicable).